Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why Superlatives Like Best, Guru, Expert In Title Tags Are Misleading And Should Be Considered As Spam

The Title Tag is the most important aspect of the page not only for the search engines but also for the user.

According to W3C :

The title is not part of the text of the document, but is a property of the whole document

The <title> element in HTML is designed to provide a short piece of text that should stand for the document in cases such as:

  • window title bars 
  • bookmark lists 
  • result lists from search services 

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Content, Guest Blogging, Authorship Markup And Social Signals

Content, Authorship and social signals seem to be the buzz for the SEO blogs today .The herd mentality in the SEO Industry is very common. Google announces a few features and makes certain announcements on the Google official blog and all the so called SEOs make certain presumptions by reading other blogs and go on a writing spree further.

Image representing Matt Cutts as depicted in C...
All this in fact is just causing more confusion and is misleading many people in the SEO Industry who call themselves SEOs but do not understand the true meaning of SEO

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Google Says: Twitter And FaceBook Social Signals Are Not A Part Of The Ranking Algorithm

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, released a webmaster video today answering the question, “are Facebook and Twitter signals part of the ranking algorithm?” The short answer was a clear cut "NO".

Facebook logo Español: Logotipo de Facebook Fr...

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Monday, January 13, 2014

B2B Content marketing v/s B2C Content Marketing

Though there is a person behind the business to whom you want to market a product or service , there is a difference between marketing to a business and marketing to a person. A B2B purchase is based more on reducing costs, streamlining systems and saving time, effort and money to buy for further sale whereas B2C marketing is geared to make a direct sale to a customer for end use. Hence the B2B and B2C marketing differ as follows:
  • The Purpose of buying: A B2B buyer is buying for resale but a B2C buyer buys the product for direct use.
  • The Price: As the B2B buyer is buying for resale the price offered to him has to be competitive enough. 
  • The communication with the buyer has to be as per their need via the right channel.
  • Purchase quantity: The B2B buyer will mostly buy in bulk to get a competitive price but a B2C buyer may just buy a single unit an may be willing to pay a high price.
B2B v/s B2C

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

In-Depth SEO Training At Ahmedabad Management Association By WebPro Technologies

We shall be conducting an in-depth SEO training at Ahmedabad Management Association from 20th January 2014 onwards.


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Friday, January 10, 2014

Are You Ready for The Multi Screen World And The Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior?

Today majority of our daily media interactions are screen based. Our time online is spread between 4 primary devices:

  •  Smartphone
  •  Tablet
  •  PC/laptop
  •  TV

The device we choose to use is determined by our context:
  • The amount of time we have 
  • The goal we want to accomplish (to buy online or read online or just surf)
  • Our location
  • Our state of mind then

If we want to do some serious research, task oriented or productive work then our choice of device is usually PC or laptop. If we are on the go and want to remain connected or need info quickly then the choice of device is usually the smartphone. The tablet use is more motivated by entertainment, relaxed and leisurely approach and excess time on hand. At times the use of device can be simultaneous or may result in switching from one device to another for multitasking.

According to a research study by Google:

Smartphones are the most common starting place for online activities.

PCs are most often a starting point for more complex activities.

Tablets are most often a starting point for shopping and trip planning.

TV viewing is no longer dedicated to to viewing the programmes relayed by the channels. Consumers simultaneously also search on their smartphones or tablets or the screen available closest to them for things they see on TV.

Hence, today the potential customers of any business are multiscreen shoppers.

It Is Important to Understand Reach, Resonance, and Reaction of Multi-Screen Campaigns

According to Neilson’s 2013 survey the mobile phone is rated as the second most important screen today (at 86 percent) as an advertising vehicle, yet that rating is inconsistent with actual spending behind mobile advertising.

Ad formats which are currently best suited for multi screen

The Nielsen Multi Screen Survey report concludes that:

Integrated multi-screen advertising is a preferred strategic direction of the marketing ecosystem. There are expectations across the industry for the majority of spend to shift to integrated multi-screen campaigns within three years. With this transformation, the industry needs more insights on effective integrated multi-screen campaign management. Furthermore, we can expect a greater emphasis on mobile and other connected devices as ad platforms, and adoption of TV buying practices online and vice-versa.

Yet significant barriers to multi-screen advertising achieving its potential still exist. Measurement remains a major challenge. Specialized metrics and methodologies for each screen need to evolve from activity-based to ROI-focused. That would help determine whether multi-screen campaigns are actually paying dividends. Without an integrated way to analyze results across screens, it is likely that multi-screen campaigns will not be managed in a fully integrated manner.

Consumers are still charging ahead, with viewership becoming screen-agnostic. The advertising industry is playing catch-up. Study after study shows the benefits of multi-screen over single-screen exposure for engaging these viewers in a way that converts them to customers. As an industry, we are sub-optimizing consumer engagement by not embracing integrated multi-screen advertising more vigorously and quickly.

With this kind of consumer behavior in the online, connected, multiscreen world are you ready to put the best foot forward for your business to reach out to the potential customer on any device he is searching on?

Related posts: What Is Responsive Web Design And Why We Should Opt For It?


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Content Marketing Is A Business Strategy...How To Design A Content Strategy?

Any business serious about a quality web presence and a wider and priority search presence needs to focus on publishing quality content regularly.

Hence, content is at the core of any online marketing activity. As a result the term “Content Marketing” has surfaced as a new wave online. But, we need to understand that “Content Marketing” does not mean marketing the content , but using content to market the product or service which your business offers.

Just adding blog posts written by any third party regularly does not achieve the purpose of content marketing. One needs to have a content strategy which needs to be implemented, monitored and the outcome measured regularly too.

Content Marketing

How To Design A Content Strategy?

  • Decide upon the categories of topics which need to be published on the company blog or as guest posts.
  • Decide upon the different formats of the content
    • Text Content
    • Videos
    • Audio
    • Infographics
    • Images or Cartoons
  • Have a clear idea about the type of audience.
    • Is it the existing buyers you are targeting?
    • Is it the potential B2C buyers?
    • Is it the potential B2B buyers?
  • Have a clear idea about the demographics of the audience.
    • The age group of the audience to be targeted.
    • The gender if necessary
    • The geolocation of the audience so that the right terminology is used which is prevalent in that location. (Local or Global)
  •  Decide upon the outreach and distribution channels to be used for sharing and promoting the content.
    • Twitter
    • FaceBook
    • Pinterest
    • Linkedin
    • Youtube
    • Google+
  •  Work out a set of norms to engage with the audience on social media platforms when they reply and respond. Company representatives on social media platforms should engage with the audience based on the rules and norms set by the company to avoid wrong messages to reach out online.
  • After all this exercise the analysis of the social media metrics will surely give an idea about the direction the content wave is reaching out to. The social media metrics via Google Analytics gives an idea about how the content strategy is getting executed. As social and search are integrated the no. of unique visits to the site via referral social media sites also is a positive indicator about the content strategy and the social media campaign being implemented. As per statistics social drives 25% of inbound traffic!! 
  •  Always have an Editorial Calendar which will organise the publishing of content. The headers in the calendar can be as follows:
    • Date Created: The date when the content was written and submitted by the author to the team.
    • Category: The category of the content. 
    • Title: The title of the content.
    • Date To be published: The date when it is scheduled to be published.
    • Author: The name of the author.
    • Editor: The name of the person who edited the post.
    • Target Audience: The audience for which the content has to be targeted so that the social media platforms are accordingly selected for its outreach and promotion.
    • Outreach Channels: The list of social media platforms on which the blog post has to be shared.
    • KPP(Key Performance Parameters): The key parameters which determine the success of the content : for e.g. likes, downloads, retweets, conversions, etc.

Get Found, Get Shared, Get Leads, Convert.

Social and search integration has to start at the site level. The website which is at the nucleus of the whole search and social ecosystem has to be optimized first to be found on the search engines as 80 % of the people start with search engines. An optimized site ensures that your business is found on the search engines when the user is searching for a product or services related to what you have to offer. The social media signals add to the trust factor and build confidence for the brand. Next when the potential buyer contacts you the conversion depends how fast and accurately his queries are answered and whether the impression that he gathered during the search experience matches with the real time experience he has with the sales staff .

Some Important Points To Ponder On About Content Strategy: 

  • See that content is created by subject matter experts.
  • Every piece of content should add value.
  • 73% of B2B content marketers are producing more content than they did one year ago
  • We're in the age of data driven marketing
  • Content Marketing is a business strategy
  • Think about ROO (Return On Objective) when analysing metrics.
  • The content should focus on the utility aspect , inspire the reader in some way or empathise with the reader so that the reader is influenced by the content in a positive way to achieve the objective set and achieve the purpose of publishing and promoting the post.
  • The main content marketing metrics which measure the success or failure are outreach, engagement and conversion.
  • Don’t sell but share knowledge.
  • Real influence isn't huge fan & follower counts, it's niche communities that take action.
  • Its not quantity of leads, but quality and conversion rates that matter
  • Conversions may not be immediate ...28% of invited executives engage in program after 7 months.

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