The How, When, Where, Why Of Recycling Old Blog Content As Newsletters
If you have been blogging for a while then I am sure , there must be a long list of blog posts which must be informative and timeless. These blog posts can be of great use and can be recycled for email marketing as newsletters.
1. By using it as content for newsletters which will be emailed you do not have worry about the Duplicate Content issue.
2. When you send the content as newsletter and link it to the the past post for the web version of the content , the reader gets an idea of how timeless your content is and how long you have been having a firm view about the topic which proves your experience in the field.
3. If you don’t wish to reveal the date of the blog post then one can easily remove the date stamp from the blog post and make it timeless.
4. One can even create a series of newsletters where you can divide a long blog post in parts and email it as Part 1 , Part 2, etc. to make the reader more curious so that every newsletter is welcomed by the receiver.
5. One can convert old content into a video, PPT, Infographic, Slideshow, PDF, Podcast, etc and share it via newsletter as per the relevant audience and requirement.
6. Make a round up post of all important posts topic wise and share the links via newsletter along with a snippet of the post. This shares various ideas you have regarding a topic in one single email. This can be done quarterly, monthly or yearly as the case maybe.
7. When you reread old content and try to organize it you get ideas for new content (The Eureka Moments) which can be used for blog content or newsletters.
8. You can make old content more purposeful and relevant by adding latest case studies, statistics, anecdotes, narratives, tutorials .
9. Old content is a digital asset which reaps dividend if used wisely.
10. Responses from readers can be shared on social media for further discussions.
11. If you want to focus on the writers and introduce them as your team then this can be an ideal platform to do so.
12. Such newsletters can become a communication platform with existing clients with whom you want to share ideas and communicate but due to lack of time such conversations always get postponed.
Whenever you have a 'Writer’s Block' and cannot think of topics and ideas this can be a boon and in this era of content marketing old informative posts can prove the statement “Old Is Gold” to be true. All the old content is a gold mine and can be helpful in enriching your online presence in various ways.
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