Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Google+ Author Attribution And WordPress Sign-In

We all by now know that by adding the Authorship Markup to our blog we can have the author pic. Displayed in SERPs in Google. Adding the Authorship Markup is complete and possible only if the author has a Google+ profile and it has a two way link from the content to the Google+ profile of the author.

The author pic. being displayed in SERPs is surely a good thing. It correlates the content with the author and givs him an author identity and also people start recognizing the author not only by his writing but by face too.

Google announced yesterday that Author Attribution can also be possible if you sign-in to WordPress with Google and the articles you publish will now be associated with your Google+ profile automatically. Google also adds... With this association in place, we can look for ways to surface your info when it's most relevant. For example, today users may see your name, picture and/or a link to your Google+ profile when your content appears in Search, News and other Google products.

With majority of the blogs on the WordPress Platform , Google+ is surely going the right way to gain popularity . Google has integrated this with two major platforms today: WordPress and Typepad. Google is also working with a variety of other sites — including About.com, WikiHow, and Examiner — to learn and expand the pilot to all kinds of sites and apps using Google+ Sign-In.