SEO Is A Necessity, Content Creation Is A Strategy And Social Media Is The Channel
Author : Bharati Ahuja
SEO in 2013 is about quality web presence, thought leadership, popularity, user generated content, company blogs , social media, guest blogging and every foot print on the web which helps you in implementing this online. SEO in 2013 has evolved to such a stage that it is a necessity and is finely woven into each and every online activity which helps you determine your search and web presence.
Social media has recently been the most rapidly growing channel which helps you get the much needed outreach whether it is B2C or B2B business.
According to a recent eMarketer survey the statistics are as follows:
As we can see above, FaceBook and Blogging (Content Creation) are the 2 main social media platforms and the major benefits accruing from these platforms are increased exposure and increased traffic.
No brand can afford to neglect the social media presence as the benefits which can get accrued via social media are multifold and again are woven into each and every online marketing activity which any brand decides to opt for.
SEO is a necessity, social media is the channel and the content creation strategy determines your online brand identity.
As we can see above the benefits from social media mentioned above are interdependent and one benefit leads to another.
Social Media presence helps you to get increased exposure , this increased exposure increases the inbound traffic, the increased traffic and content on your site helps develop loyal fans which spreads a good WOM (Word Of Mouth) and generates leads, increase business partnerships and thereby increase sales. All the footprints and social signals created in the process give a boost to the SEO which in turn again generates all these benefits via search presence.
In theory this sounds very simple and logical but when put in practice a lot of effort, insight and an eye for defined goals is needed else all the time, money and effort can just go down the drain.
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