Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Educating The Client About SEO Is The Best Way To Recover The Reputation Of The SEO Industry

Just the other day I came across a discussion regarding the The SEO Industry’s Reputation Problem on Sphinn.com.

After going through the discussion, I strongly feel that if the reputation of the SEO industry has been tarnished by people who call themselves SEOs despite not having any knowledge or experience in anything search-engines-related, then the responsibility of bringing back the reputation and making the industry more respect worthy is also on the shoulders of the knowledgeable SEOs.

Every industry has fly by night companies cropping up who making a fast buck by fooling some people. The SEO industry is not alone. It seems to be more prominent for our industry though as the clients themselves are unaware about what SEO is and what deliverables they should expect when they sign an SEO contract.

 Read more at Search Engine Journal
