Monday, February 25, 2013

The Technical Anatomy, Basics And Beauty Behind A Tweet

Twitter, the widely accepted micro-blogging platform offers a limit of 140 characters per tweet, but you will be surpirised to know the amount of information a tweet carries about the (Twitter Account holder /user or the author of the tweet). It surely is worth taking a note of.

With social signals being integrated to search and businesses allocating increasingly a huge amount for digital marketing every year , the data that can be extracted by just analyzing one tweet from a person individually or collectively can really help in gathering the necessary social signals needed to take important decisions.

The data that can be collected per tweet is as follows:

  • The tweet's unique ID. These IDs are roughly sorted & developers should treat them as opaque
  • Text of the tweet. Consecutive duplicate tweets are rejected. 140 character max 
  • Date when the tweet was created. 
  • The ID of an existing tweet that this tweet is in reply to (If it’s a reply to a previous tweet). Won't be set unless the author of the referenced tweet is mentioned. 
  • The author's screen name 
  • The author's user name 
  • The screen name & user ID of replied to tweet author. If it’s a reply to a previous tweet) 
  • The author’s bio along with the picture
  • The author’s URL 
  • The author’s location 
  • The creation date of the twitter account 
  • The author’s background and color preferences 
  • Whether this account has contributors enabled - 
  • The timezone of the author 
  • No. of users the author is following 
  • No. of favorites this user has 
  • The language preferred by the user 
  • Whether this user is protected or not. If the user is protected, then this tweet is not visible except to "friends" 
  • No. of followers of this user 
  • Whether the user has verified badge 
  • The place associated with the tweet i.e is it in the neighborhood and the name of the country. 
  • The application used to send the tweet 
  • The total no. of tweets sent by the user till date 

All this information can offer a lot of information about the user especially to search engines for integrating social signals to search results . Hence if you are serious about search then please check if you have filled in the correct details in the Twitter profile so that you convey the right message about yourself and your brand when you next time post a tweet.

Every tweet along with the post also publishes your preferences creating a footprint of your social personality on the web .