Monday, May 30, 2011

Online Marketing Is About Being Found Where The People Are Searching For You

NEW YORK - DECEMBER 09:  Paul Costiglio, a mar...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Every marketing activity revolves around people . Hence it is essential to focus all marketing activities where the targeted crowd is found. The traditional marketing methods made the  marketing activities reach out to people via magazine Ads., Newspaper Ads, TV Ads, hoardings, signboards, etc. Now for online marketing it is important to be present where the people are reaching out to find for information related to products and services. Hence having a quality overall web presence is the key to get found when people surf and search for what they are finding on the web.

Hence, the term Inbound Marketing which has become synonymous to Hubspot  ( is an apt term for web marketing mainly focused on search and social media marketing.

The key mantra for online marketing is “Be Found Where The People Are Searching For You” The following presentation by Hubspot explains this point very effectively:

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