Monday, January 24, 2011

The Highlights Of Conference Click Asia Summit 2011- ‘The Power Of Digital And Mobile Marketing In Asia’

Last week I had the Opportunity to participate in the largest marketing event in Asia
delivering Digital, Social and Mobile marketing solutions – Click Asia Summit 2011 .
It was a 3 day summit with a focus on ‘The Power Of Digital And Mobile Marketing In Asia’.


The highlights of the conference:

The conference started of with a very inspiring keynote by Gurbaksh Chahal, RadiumOne . It proved a point  that in order to be successful in the digital world one does not need a string of degrees and qualifications attached to his name but a focused approach , dedication and hard work. Gurbaksh’s session encouraged the entrepreneurs to take failure also as an opportunity and go ahead with more positivity rather than getting bogged down. 

The delegates had to keep choosing the options of the sessions available , trust me it was a tough one as whenever you made a choice somewhere you felt that you are missing out on the other session which was equally informative .  

The sessions on   Mobile Web: The New Mass Media by  Mahesh Narayanan, Google India and There's an App for That! By  Neil Burton, Web Spiders – UK proved that   mobile marketing strategy  has to be a part of your digital marketing strategy  if you want to future proof your online presence for the long run as statistics and data proved that more and more people are switching on to their smart phones to surf the web and downloading more and more Apps. For their smart phones.

But I think that as smart phones become smarter and internet connectivity becomes better and cheaper  for the handsets there will be no need to download Apps. But the handsets will be used more like we use our laptops today. We discarded our desktops for laptops, now we shall discard our laptops for smartphones and that will literally put all the power in the hands of the people as people will shop surf more online due to the ease and accessibility always available in their hands. Read more on :

 The presentation on  Metrics-Analysis-Action! And the Day 2 Keynote on Digital Analytics By Gillian Muessig, SEOmoz    focused on the following points:

  • No analytics signal is a signal in itself
  • Data is not information and reporting is not analytics
  • Always dive deeper  and track to find answers to how the offline and online advertising is lifting each other
  • Data is not analytics –  As just having a car is not sufficient  you need a driver to drive it – Just data is not enough you need to analyze it and decompose the metrics to get answers which will help you to take corrective actions and right decisions.

Gillian’s informal way of speaking and reaching out to the audience for questions attracted everyone’s attention and made a dry topic like analytics very interesting .

 The sessions on : 

Advanced View on PPC vs. Organic by Jeff Adelson Yan, Levelwing
Search Engine Marketing - Dead and Buried? (PANEL)  by
Milind Mody, eBrandz
Navneet Kaushal, PageTraffic
Raghavendra Satish Peri, IBM
Best Practices: Online Marketing Vivek Bhargava, Communicate2 

They all focused on the importance of having a marketing mix of SEO, PPC, Local Search with a focus on Google Places. They also stressed on the fact on how one marketing strategy helps on leveraging the other sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. As these topics a very vast in themselves the extent to which they were discussed was not sufficient and satisfactory.

The first day concluded with a refreshing session by Mr. Anupam Kher touching the human side of technology and baffling everyone with a down to earth talk and chat on how success has made him more humble and how failure and adversities in life can make you a better person.

On day 2 the following workshops:

Ecommerce In India: Opportunities & Challenges (PANEL)
Dirk van Quaquebeke, Brandmile Ptd. Ltd.
Kunal Bahl, Snapdeal India
Digital Marketing, Lead Nurturing and Social Media for B2B Enterprises
Neil Burton, Web Spiders - UK
Anol Bhattacharya, GetIT

Mobile Marketing & Brands in the Mobile Web Environment
Naveen Tewari, InMobi
Rajiv Hiranandani, Altruist-Mobile2Win

Clearly stated the emerging of the mobile web and the current trend of mobile Apps. Kunal Bahl described the ABCD of Indians as A for Astrology, B for bollywood, C for Cricket and D for discounts.  and went ahead to discuss the success of Snapdeal India . The key factor for any ecommerce site to be successful is to give a predictable experience on the site to the visitor was the main takeaway. 

Dirk van Quaquebeke, Brandmile Ptd. Ltd. Mentioned that the India is fashion conscious, Indians have disposable income and are early   adapters to e-commerce and deals and discounts work well in the Indian market.

Neil Burton, Web Spiders – UK and Anol Bhattacharya, GetIT spoke about lead nurturing and Social media in a B2B scenario . The importance of content  for lead nurturing was highlighted . 

The content should be remarkable and  ignite conversations. The main takeaway - Content provides the context for conversations in social media. In a B2B scenario for social media forget about the image supply as much as information as possible. The main ROI for a B2B campaign is lead generation and building relationships.

  • B2B is different  from B2C
  • Create a strategy
  • Talk business from start
  • Talk numbers , statistics and data
  • Build a community
The session on Twitter for Business by Pradeep Chopra, Digital Vidya was a runaway hit with a very  individual style of conducting the session Pradeep Chopra immediately connected with the participants and I am sure convinced everyone to start tweeting.

The # tag for the conference #cas11 surely became the trending topic.

On day 3 there were two specialized workshops to choose from, one was on Advanced SEO and the other one was on Social Media Marketing.
The SEO workshop  was conducted by Bill Hunt, Back Azimuth Consulting and Benedict Hayes, Communicate2

Rajiv Dingra, WAT Media spoke about the importance of blogging.
They were full day workshops covering the following topics:

Advanced SEO Workshop
Social Media Marketing Workshop
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Bill Hunt, Back Azimuth Consulting
Benedict Hayes, Communicate2
Rajiv Dingra, WAT Media
Gaurav Mishra, MSLGROUP Asia
Gillian Muessig, SEOmoz

SEO Factors
The Algorithm
SEO Campaign Strategy
1. Real-life social networking game
How do we connect with others on social networks around our passions?
How do connections lead to conversations, collaboration and community?
How can brands connect with people around their passions?
SEO for Complex Websites
The Challenges
The Specific Challenges for Large Sites
What to Avoid in, Large Sites Especially
How to Rope in Stakeholders
How to Maximize your Search Shelf Space
How to Centralize your Efforts
The Downstream Impact
How to Maximize Searcher Stimuli
2. Community-centric integrated marketing
How is the social web changing integrated marketing and the role of agencies?
How can brands create a series of integrated marketing campaigns that build upon each other?
How can brands leverage owned, paid and earned media into their integrated marketing strategy?
Pepsi Refresh case study.
Managing Complex Search Programs
How to Effectively Deliver Search at Scale
Key Focus Areas for an Enterprise
How to Integrate SEO in the Workflow
Roles and Responsibilities within the SEO Team
How to Make a Page Search Friendly
What are Organic Search Diagnostic Metrics?
What are Organic Search Performance Metrics?
3. Social web strategy for business impact
How can brands leverage conversations, campaigns and communities for business impact?
How can brands build online communities to organize and energize their evangelists?
How can brands measure business impact, platform influence and program engagement?
Dell case study.
The Dynamic Issues in SEO
About URLs
How to Manage Keywords
Understanding the Intent of the Searcher
4. Social web strategy in the B2C context
How can brands use contests to build high-engagement communities?
How can brands use communities to drive retail footfalls?
How can brands create cause-based communities to connect with their stakeholders?
Starbucks case study.
How to Manage Complex PPC
Creative Development
Google Quality Score
Optimizing Landing Pages
5. Social web strategy in the B2B context
How can brands use communities to strengthen relationships with partners?
How can brands use communities to attract and motivate talent?
How can brands use communities to establish thought leadership?
Microsoft case study.
How to Measure the Success of a SEO Campaign
Executive Dashboard
Search Health Report
PLP Scorecard
Search Effectiveness Metrics
Integration Metrics
How to Build a Business Case
6. Strategy on a post-it note game
What are our brand values and business objectives?
Who are our brand evangelists and what are their passions?
What is our core platform and program strategy and how will we measure success?
Searcher Intent Modeling
Searcher Intent Modeling Overview
Searcher Intent Modeling Steps
Integrating Paid & Organic Search
Keyword Arbitration
The Challenges
The Keyword Conflicts
How to Allocate Keywords

Link Building
Digital Asset Optimization
The Challenges
A Checklist
The Best Practices

Enabling Success in a Large-Scale Global Search Marketing Program
The Burning Issues
Fundamentals of Search marketing
Search Organization Audit
Enterprise Search Ecosystem

Managing a SEO Process
Managing a Team
Managing the Keywords
Managing the Technology
Managing the Performance
Managing the Priorities

