Saturday, June 19, 2010

How To Avoid or Overcome Twitter Addiction By Having A Twitter Time Management Plan

The latest way of having an additional and qualitative way of web marketing is having a presence on the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc. Out of all the social media platforms Twitter’s growth and reach has been phenomenal.

The graphical representation below gives an  idea.

The main reason for Twitter’s phenomenal growth according to me is mainly the fact that the micro blogging conversational platform appeals more to the intellect as it aims at balancing the business and social aspects.

But, like any web 2.0 social and interactive features it can become addictive.

Hence, like any other aspect of our life the quality time spent on these social media sites should be planned.

Business or personal growth does not depend on the no. of tweets you post or how much one interacts with others but it surely depends on how much time and attention one gives to planning of the work strategies and their implementation and also on the qualitative time we spend real time interacting with our team members and family.

Few tips on having a time management plan when you decide - enough is enough for social media.

• Set self imposed time limits .

• Avoid using Mobile device for social media as far as possible.

• Allocate a fixed time of the day to check on the updates on social media when your work load is comparatively low.

• Once in a while take an off from social media per week. A virtual detoxification is very essential if your work invoves you to be in front of the computer screen all the time.

• Be genuine and don’t feel obligated

• Schedule the tweets. Whenever you have time you can schedule the posts you want to share. View the details of softwares available to schedule the tweets on the foll. link

Prevention is always better than cure so take charge of the situation before it takes charge of you.

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